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New! Hand to Hand Intensive! 5 days, June 2018

New! Hand to Hand Intensive! 5 days, June 2018


Pitch Catch sUMMER
July 6 - 14th, 2024

Where:      SANCA, Seattle, WA

Level:         Intermediate, Advanced, & optional Duo Trapeze Track!

Cost:           Sliding scale $600 - $850, BIPOC fellowships, & work trade option

Coaches:   Cassie Preyss, Ryan Hamity, Jeremy Martin, Jay Mpelezos, Sarah Sofia, Courtney Coston, Ariel Mihic

Please note we are currently
FULL but accepting waitlist applicants


Our week-long summer intensive focuses on standing acrobatics including hand to hand, group acro and an optional DUO TRAPEZE track. Group acro training will include banquine, swinging, parachute, three highs and more! Partner acrobatics training is rounded out by instruction in tumbling, handstands, flexibility, pre-hab/conditioning. Classes will run from 9am - 5:30pm, Saturday - Tuesday and Thursday through Sunday, Wednesday OFF.

We will have several tracks for duo trapeze to suit the needs of students with no aerial experience, those with aerial experience but limited duo trap skills, and those with existing duo trapeze skills to explore new dynamic skills and pathways. The duo trapeze portion will be taught by Ben Wendel and Rachel Nehmer, who perform as Duo Madrona. Ben and Rachel have logged thousands of performances across the US and Europe. Highlights include the 29th Festival du Cirque de Demain, Circus Flora, The Big E, Tigerpalast Variete, Palazzo, Circus Monti, Circus Syzygy, Acrobatic Conundrum, Flynn Creek Circus and an appearance on French television with Patrick Sebastien’s “Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde”. In real life, the duo is based in Seattle and are proud parents of two. When they are not onstage, they have gathered extensive coaching experience as well throughout the region. Rachel is  a NASM certified personal trainer and is currently serving as Director of Programs for SANCA. Ben daylights as a research scientist at UW. 



The summer program is for acrobats working towards standing hand to hand
all the way to those working on dynamic entries/exits to hand to hand.
Students beyond the advanced level are welcome to attend
if they are looking to increase their group skills and duo trapeze.
Skills Requirements:
  • Comfortable in two high with base walking
  • Comfortable with standing foot to hand and reverse foot to hand
  • Comfortable with high bird, camel and/or high star
  • Some experience with l-basing hand to hand and standing hand to hand (don't have to be able to nail it, but have attempted it)
  • Comfortable with tuck sit (l-basing or standing)
  • Some experience with group acro (including pass the flyer, swinging, banquine, parachute and/or three high)
Video Requirements:
We ask that you send in at least three videos that accurately reflect your current skill level with standing acro (those showing the above skills are ideal, but show us what you've got!). Feel free to send links to instagram reels/posts. 
The ideal Pitch Catch student is someone who: ​
  • Shows proven dedication and discipline to training.

  • Is looking to improve their professional skill set and/or committed to raising their personal practice to the next level

  • Hopes to gain a greater level of technical understanding​

  • Has experience with standing acrobatics and a sufficient level of general physical fitness to train intensively.

  • Is excited about building and strengthening their acro community in an inclusive way

  • Interested in working with others collaboratively rather than competitively

  • Interested in delving deeper into foundations and technique of having a healthy acro practice

Click here to see a copy of our community agreements.



At Pitch Catch we strive to make circus accessible to all types of people with skill and heart regardless of their economic  background. We ask that you accurately access your income-making POTENTIAL (i.e. not just your monthly earnings, but assets, education, etc.) when paying for this program. If you are able to pay more for the program, your contribution supports our BIPOC scholarships and helps grant access to others who may not otherwise be able to enjoy the benefits of circus. It also helps ensure we are able to continue offering this program in years to come. We strive not to turn folks away for lack of funds, so if the cost of the program is a major obstacle, be in touch with us.

Below a rough guideline, recognizing that it may vary quite a bit based on how many people you support with your income and/or what assets/debt you have.       

PCC Pricing for Website - Sheet1 (2).jpg



We recognize that the very quality of our programs depends on the diversity of our students, and in order to provide recompense for that value, we are offering up to 12 fellowships to the program for students who identify as black, Native American (Indian), First Nations, Latinx, Asian, and/or mixed race. This fellowship provides full access to the program at zero or reduced cost.

Additionally, we will be offering up to 3 scholarships that include a housing/travel stipend for BIPOC students that have financial need. For more information and to apply, click here to fill out a  brief application. Please note you will also need to fill out our full application form.


We will also be offering 1 "hardship" scholarship to someone who may not fit into the categories above but has experienced significant hardship in their life -- this may be someone who has served jail time, recovered from addiction, lives with a disability, or is making it work as a single parent. This scholarship will cover full tuition. Click here to fill out a brief application. You may be asked to submit financial documentation.


Helping Acrobats

In order to best support our less experienced students, and to provide a way to make the program more economical for some students, we are accepting applications for up to 8 helping acrobats. Helping acrobats must have a high level of proficiency in spotting and performing advanced standing skills (i.e. you must easily meet the requirements for the advanced track).  It is most ideal if helping acrobats have taken Pitch Catch courses previously, but a sufficient knowledge of standing skills can substitute. Helping acrobats offer their support in up to 5 lower level classes per week in exchange for a significant discount.  Click here to fill out the helping acrobat application. You will also need to fill out our full application form

Work Trade

We offer a limited amount of work trade opportunities for students that are unable to afford the bottom of the sliding scale and do not fit into any of the above categories. Work trade tasks may include cleaning, child care, social media and hosting open training sessions. If you would like to apply for work trade, please email


Photo credit: Alex Giordano

© 2014 by Pitch Catch Circus: School of Acrobatics. Tags: circus, acrobalance, acro-yoga, circus class, intensive training, dance, acrobatics, tumbling.

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