the country's first full-time intensive partner acrobatic training for intermediate and advanced acrobats

Frequently Asked Questions
Because sometimes, you just gotta ask....
And if we haven't answered your question, feel free to email us at info@pitchcatchcircus.com
Is Accommodation Provided?
Unfortunately, at this time we are not able to provide housing accommodation directly to students. However, we will work hard to make sure you have a safe place to stay! We will be building a forum to connect students with local housing options, and with one another for short term housing possibilities.
Do I have to attend for all 5 weeks?
We strongly believe you will get the most out of doing the full 5 weeks, however we recognize this isn't possible for lots of folks, so here's the breakdown on what's possible:
All first-time students must come more a minimum of 2 weeks. Some exceptions can be made if coming with a calibrated partners and/or to the first week of the program.
Intermediate students: can come any time during weeks 1-3. If you would like to stay for weeks 4 and 5, you need to start the program by week 2. In weeks 4 and 5, the intermediate and advanced tracks merge, so while you will be able to train at the level you are at, we will expect you to have a certain level of familiarity with skills and technique.
Advanced students: may join at any time weeks 1-3 and stay through the end of the program. Returning students may come at any time.
Pro Track students: may join with a partnership or group at any time. If you will be attending as a solo acrobat, you must begin the program weeks 1 or 2.
We also allow for part-time attendance to accommodate remote or local work schedules.
Will the course be offered again next year?
Yes! We will be offering this course every Spring and Fall
I am worried about applying without a partner.
If you're applying for intermediate or advanced track, no problem! We work hard to balance the number of bases and flyers. The majority of our applicants are applying individually and are looking to match up with other flyers or bases in training. Of course you will have the opportunity to decide who you wish to work with, some of you may pair off straight away while others prefer to work in trios or groups. Either way, enrolling safe and skilled acrobats is our number one priority and there will be no shortage of people who want throw or be thrown! Because the Proficiency Track involves work at quite a high level of dynamic skill, we strongly recommend that students come with partners or groups that they'd like to work with. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to consistently train at your level if you do not come with a partner or group.