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New! Hand to Hand Intensive! 5 days, June 2018

New! Hand to Hand Intensive! 5 days, June 2018

Pitch Catch 5-week Fall acro Intensive
oct 17 - nov 19, 2022

Pitch Catch Circus School is thrilled to offer its Fall Acro Intensive in Asheville, NC. Join coaches Niko Douwes, Cassie Preyss, Blox, Christine Moonbeam, Ryan Hamity, Jeremy Martin, Micah Ellinger, Ariel Mihic and Z Farrell  for a 5-week partner acro intensive.


We’ll be offering 3 concurrent tracks for intermediate, advanced, and proficieny track students. Students are encouraged to attend the full 5 weeks, but may attend as little as 2 weeks. One week minimum for returning students. Arrangements can be made for half days or partial weeks to accommodate locals or remote work schedules.


The 30-hr per week program focuses on standing acrobatics including hand to hand, adagio, group acro and optional icarian modules. Partner acrobatics training is rounded out by instruction in tumbling, handstands, flexibility, pre-hab/conditioning and dance. Students also receive a minimum of 30 minutes per week in private instruction. Classes will run:

WEEK 1: Oct 17 - 23 Monday 9 - 3:45, Tuesday/Wednesday 8 - 3:45, Thursday half day 12 - 3:30, Friday 8-3:45, Saturday 10 - 5, Sunday/Monday off

WEEK 2: Oct 24 - 30 Tuesday - Friday 8 - 3:45, Saturday 10 - 5, Sunday Off

WEEK 3: Oct 31 - Nov 6 Monday - Friday 8 - 3:45, Saturday, Sunday, Monday Off

WEEK 4: Nov 7 - 13 Tuesday - Friday 8 - 3:45, Sat 10 - 5, Sunday/Monday Off

Week 5: Nov 14 - 19 Tuesday - Friday 8 - 3:45, Sat 10 - 5

BIPOC Fellowships and Scholarship: 

We recognize that the very quality of our programs depends on the diversity of our students, and in order to provide recompense for that value, we are offering up to  8 fellowships to the program for BIPOC and trans students. This fellowship provides full access to the program at zero cost to the student, and is not based on financial need, but rather in recognition of the value that these students bring to the program.


Additionally, we will be offering 2 scholarships that include a housing and food stipend for a BIPOC and/or trans student that demonstrates financial need. Click here to fill out a very brief application.

Helping Acrobats

In order to best support our less experienced students, and to provide a way to make the program more economical for some students, we are accepting applications for up to 8 helping acrobats. Helping acrobats must have a high level of proficiency in spotting and performing advanced standing skills.  It is most ideal if helping acrobats have taken Pitch Catch courses previously, but a sufficient knowledge of standing skills can substitute. Helping acrobats offer their support in up to 5 lower level classes per week in exchange for a 75% discount.  Click here to fill out the helping acrobat application.

Work Trade

We offer a very limited amount of work trade opportunities for students that are unable to afford the bottom of the sliding scale and do not fit into any of the above categories. Work trade tasks may include cleaning, child care, and hosting open training sessions. If you would like to apply for work trade, please fill out this application.

Where:  Asheville, NC

Level:     Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency

When:    October 17 - November 19th

Facility:  Fearless Athletics,

44 Business Park Circle, Arden, NC

Cost:       Sliding Scale

                (what is this? see below)

                5 Weeks: $1,625 - $3,425

                  4 Weeks: $1,380 - $2,775

                  3 Weeks: $1,125 - $2,425

                  2 Weeks: $800 - $1,675


Coaches: Blox, Ryan Hamity, Cassie Drew,  Niko Douwes, Christine Moonbeam, Jeremy Martin, Micah Ellinger, Z Farrell, Ariel Mihic

Intermediate Track

Our intermediate program is designed for students working toward mastery of standing hand to hand and other higher level standing skills as well as adagio and group acrobatics. This level is also an excellent place for acrobats who may have already mastered these skills but have stepped away from training during the pandemic and want to rebuild strength and confidence

Advanced Track

Our Advanced track program is designed for students experienced with standing hand to hand. We will focus on dynamic hand to hand entrances (ie: inlocates, relocates and more), toe pitching, swinging, banquine, extended h2h/f2h, knots and one arms. To apply for this level you must be able to easily hold a 10 second standing hand to hand.

Proficiency Track

Formerly known as the alumni track, our Proficiency Track is for students working on dynamic skills (i.e. cascades, corbettes, etc) and/or high level skills (one arms, extended entrances/exits to h2h, etc), who are experienced acrobats and want a more self-directed experience. It is most suitable for folks that have already taken 9 weeks of the advanced track, but we also want to make it accessible to others working at a similar level. The Proficiency program will include both structured classes and also autonomous training time. It is recommended though not required that students on the Proficiency track come with a partnership or training group. We will do our best to help students without training partners connect with others on this track.

Who should apply?

This year's program is for intermediate, advanced and proficiency level acrobats. 

  • Show proven dedication and discipline to training as well as a positive team attitude

  • Looking to improve their professional skill set and/or committed to raising their personal practice to the next level

  • Hoping to gain a greater level of technical understanding​

  • Excited about building and strengthening their acro community in an inclusive way

  • Interested in working with others collaboratively rather than competitively

  • Interested in delving deeper into foundations and technique of having a healthy acro practice

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At Pitch Catch we strive to make circus accessible to all types of people with skill and heart regardless of their economic  background. We ask that you accurately access your income-making POTENTIAL (i.e. not just your monthly earnings, but assets, education, etc.) when paying for this program. If you are able to pay more for the program, your contribution supports our BIPOC/Trans scholarships and helps grant access to others who may not otherwise be able to enjoy the benefits of circus. It also helps ensure we are able to continue offering this program in years to come. We strive not to turn folks away for lack of funds, so if the cost of the program is a major obstacle, be in touch with us at

Here is a rough guideline, recognizing that it may vary quite a bit based on how many people you support with your income and/or what assets/debt you have.         

If you need additional helping conceptualizing this, we really like this graphic.

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Photo credit: Monika Kolb

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At this time, while we would prefer to be more inclusive and understand there are many reasons people choose not to be vaccinated, we are currently only admitting students who are fully vaccinated, unless a student has a medical exemption and can show evidence from their healthcare provider for such. Students will be asked to show proof of vaccination and obtain a negative COVID test before joining the program. Students with a medical exemption will be asked to undertake additional quarantining and testing precautions.

© 2014 by Pitch Catch Circus: School of Acrobatics. Tags: circus, acrobalance, acro-yoga, circus class, intensive training, dance, acrobatics, tumbling.

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